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Magento: How to get list of all modules programmatically?

Here, I will show you how you can get list of all modules in your Magento installation. It’s a simple code.

Add this code in phtml file.

foreach($config->getNode('modules')->children() as $item){
    echo $codePool     = $config->getModuleConfig($item->getName())->codePool;
    echo "   ";
    echo $name = $item->getName();
    echo "<br>";

$modulesname =  array_keys((array)Mage::getConfig()->getNode('modules')->children());
echo "<pre>";print_r($modulesname);exit;

Get current module name:

echo $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();exit;

Here, I will show you how you can get list of all modules in your Magento installation. It’s a simple code. - See more at: http://blog.chapagain.com.np/magento-how-to-get-list-of-all-modules-programmatically/#sthash.LiP872Z1.dpuf

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